Italy among European countries with worst graduate employment rate –

Italy among European countries with worst graduate employment rate

Feb 17, 2021
Roma, 17 feb. (askanews) – Coronavirus has made finding employment hard over the past year, especially for new graduates. So with recent studies showing which skills will help you most in getting a job, does location have an effect too?

Savoy Stewart sought to find out by analysing recent Eurostat data. They can now reveal the countries in Europe with the highest and lowest graduate employment rates. Where are the highest graduate employment rates? Malta has the highest graduate employment rate across Europe. With a whopping 93.4% of recent graduates employed, it seems Malta’s workforce is strong – the pandemic’s effects on these numbers will be interesting to see.

In second place is Germany with graduate employment at 92.7%. The stats are a testament to Germany’s impressive education system and decade-long employment boom. Clinching third and fourth are the Netherlands at 91.9% and Iceland with an equally impressive 91.5%. Making the top ten countries with the highest graduate employment rates include: 5. Norway – 90.5% 6. Luxembourg – 89.4% 7. Austria – 89% 8. Sweden – 88.7% 9. Switzerland – 87.9% 10. Czechia – 87.3%. Where are the lowest graduate employment rates? Flipping the results, the European country with the worst employment rates for graduates is North Macedonia – a shockingly low 57.2%. Following North Macedonia is Turkey with 57.8%. Social unrest and political repercussions may be to blame for low numbers here. Also battling economic issues, Italy and Greece follow with 58.7% and 59.4%, respectively. Other European countries with low graduate employment rates include: Montenegro – 65.4% Serbia – 66.5% France – 75.7% Croatia – 75.8% Romania – 76.1%